When does your new Sunday School year begin? Is it September or October or June or another time? What are you doing to make launch week special? What are you doing to promote Sunday School? Press Comments below to share things you plan to do this year or have done previously to launch the Sunday School year well.
Allow me to share some experiences, thoughts, and suggestions for making Launch Week special. Consider the following:
- CLEAN UP. Set aside one or more days for teachers/workers to prepare for the new Sunday School year by cleaning up teaching-learning space. Ask them to throw away used literature. Ask them to take down old posters. Invite them to dust and clean space, including windows, doors, and more. Invite them to rearrange the room. Make the room feel special and new.
- NEW SIGNS. Provide new signs, even if old ones are fine. Add color, logo, or graphic. Make sure accurate age groups are included on signs to help guests. Make sure all rooms have room numbers (include on sign if not otherwise available). Make wording large and bold. (Signs might also include other groups that meet in the room during the week.)
- TRAINING. Train every teacher and every worker during the week. Provide childcare and a meal. Start and stop on time. Make it fun. Make it relevant. Be creative. Give it a theme. Do it well. Promote it well.
- INVITATIONS. Call, text, visit, and/or send postcards to every member and every prospect inviting them to attend Sunday School. Send invitation cards out with members for them to give to friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. Invite attenders from the pulpit the previous couple of Sundays.
- CLASS FELLOWSHIP. Encourage classes to plan fellowships (avoiding the date for teacher/worker training). Expect them to invite guests. Before the fellowships begin, stop long enough to say thanks to all fellowship attenders and invite them to come to class the following Sunday. Make sure the group connects well with guests who attend.
- NEW GROUPS. Plan to start one or more classes during Launch Week. Promote the new class for the month prior to Launch Sunday. Ask the church family to invite to and pray for the new class(es). Invite people after worship to meet with the teacher(s) of the new class(es).
- PROMOTION. Make it a big emphasis on your church website. Make it a big emphasis from the pulpit. Emphasize it in classes for two weeks prior. Encourage members to invite friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors. Set up a table near worship to help attenders find out about Sunday School classes, where they meet, what they are studying, and who is teaching. Share a simple classes brochure.
What else would you add to these ideas? Help the new Sunday School year start off with a BANG! Clean up. Change signs. Provide training. Invite. Fellowship. Start new groups. Promote. Make it exciting and special. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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