Summer is a busy time. There are vacations, picnics, cookouts, trips to the lake, and lots of fun. Even in the church, summer can be busy with Vacation Bible School, summer class fellowships, nominating committee work for the fall, and much more. And Sunday School does not stop during the summer. In fact, sometimes there is a summer Sunday School slump.
Why not turn a summer slump into a summer spectacular? Why don’t you press the comments button below and share your ideas as well. I can think of several ideas/suggestions for June, July, and August:
90 Days of Prayer for Sunday School Families: make a list of Sunday School families, list them alphabetically, divide the list into 13 sections, pass out these prayer guides, pray for families each day or week;
Monthly Age Group High Attendance: set goals for each month and each age group–week 1 is preschool high attendance, week 2 is children, week 3 is youth, and week 4 is adult;
Attendance Certificates: at the end of the summer, present certificates to all persons who attend at least 10 of 13 weeks;
Contact Contest: whether for a month or for the whole summer, divide the Sunday School into two halves and compete for which half can make the most contacts with members, absentees, and prospects inviting/reminding them to attend Sunday School and class fellowship activities;
Attendance, Guest, and Enrollment Contest: divide into two halves and compete for most points for the summer with member attendance counting 1 point, guest attendance counting 10 points, and new member enrolled counting 25 points; and
Attendance and Fellowship Contest: divide into two halves and compete for the most points for the summer with members counting 1 point and guests counting 10 points in class and at fellowship activities.
These are but a few of the hundreds of possible ways to make your summer spectacular. Pray. Dream. Share your ideas. Plan. Be spectacular! Be revolutionary!
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