I was thinking about the weekend ahead, Labor Day weekend. It’s a time off from work for some, a time to picnic, a time for sales, a time for football, and a time for last-minute trips/minivacations before school. For me, the weekend is a time of reflection. I am grateful to have meaningful, fulfilling work. I am thankful for an income which provides all the necessities of life. I am thankful to God for His call to serve Him and for His many, many blessings. I am thankful for Sunday School and its influence on my life over the years.
As I reflected, I decided I wanted to leave some quick Sunday School thoughts on the labor of Sunday School. Here they are:
- a labor of LOVE for God and love from God, for class members, and for those who are not yet members of it;
- a labor of PRAYER for God’s help in understanding His Word, for efforts in reaching and teaching, and for His presence and power where 2 or 3 are gathered;
- a labor of TIME invested in pursuit of a growing relationship with God, in changing lives, and in multiplying leaders;
- a labor of VISION to see where God is leading and what He wants us to accomplish, to see beyond our abilities to His, and to see needs and opportunities all around us;
- a labor of EQUIPPING each participant to grow where planted, to find his/her place of service, and to make a difference in this world;
- a labor of CONNECTING to God, to each other, and to the world;
- a labor of DISCOVERY of God, His Word, His will, His plan, and our part in it all;
- a labor of FUN as we learn, fellowship, and minister together;
- a labor of NEW BEGINNINGS as men, women, boys, and girls follow Jesus; as new classes/groups begin; as new leaders step up; as new Sunday Schools are started; and
- a labor of STRETCHING to be all that God wants us to be and to do all He wants us to do, to adjust to new people and things for the good of His Kingdom, and to go where He sends.
I pray that you celebrate LABOR DAY all year long in Sunday School! Have a great weekend. See you in Sunday School! Be a revolutionary!
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