Without care, needs will be unmet, members will drift away, and prospects will not be reached. Consider these 5 best practices for care and a next step.
- Pray for and with members and prospects by name. Pray in class. Pray in pairs. Assign names of absentees and prospects. Establish a habit of praying with people.
- Assign members to contact every absentee and every prospect every week. Contacts are made in person or by phone, mail, or electronic mean. Care, communicate, and pray. Report contacts weekly. Remember, while ongoing care by one person is appreciated so is multiple care.
- Organize to care in times of need. Waiting until a crisis to determine a class response may mean missing the opportunity to care. Gather a class team to develop a plan for communication and response to most possibilities.
- Plan fellowships or projects every six weeks. Fellowships are more social, and projects are more serving others. These plans are regular opportunities for absentees to reenter and prospects to connect with the class.
- Keep good records. Regularly update contact records for members and prospects. Keep good records of attendance, even of late-arrivers. Record results of all contacts with members and prospects so future contacts can build on past efforts.
Gather your teachers to talk and pray about the importance of care. Review these best practices. Ask them to gather a class leadership team to make a plan for raising the level of care for members and prospects. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash
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