To revitalize and grow your Sunday School, more care for members and prospects is needed. A frequently missing element is having enough leaders to provide more care. Consider this key fact, 3 best practices for more leaders, and a next step.
- There is a span of care ratio of one leader for five people for whom they can provide care well. Often a teacher trying to care for 10 people takes the class on an “ensmallment” campaign down to level of the span of care. 10 becomes 9…
- Every class needs a member care leader and an outreach leader. These two leaders lead the class to contact and care for members and prospects. In preschool and children’s classes, one of the teachers serves as member care and the other as outreach. In youth classes, youth serve as the two leaders. Adding these two leaders enables and leads classes to care for more people.
- Ask youth and adult teachers to pray that God will send them these two leaders. Then they should keep their eyes and ears open. Preschool and children’s leaders should pray about in which capacity they will serve.
- Continue to add leaders as classes grow. For each additional five people enrolled, add another leader: class secretary, apprentice teacher, greeters, fellowship leader, prayer leader, and more. Remember, less care tends to starve growth. While growing, current leaders share these duties in order to provide the care needed.
Gather your teachers. Explain why they need help. Pray together. Review these best practices. Ask them to pray for God to send these two leaders. Set a target date for enlistment and a date to provide training for these key leaders. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Kiana Bosman on Unsplash
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