Today, everyone is busy. So how do we work smarter (and even harder when required) and ensure that we will be more likely to realize results (growth)? In Part 1 of this six-part series, I shared 37 class growth actions. In Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4 I shared the first twenty-three of those 37 actions along with a some brief comments about each one. In Part 5, I will share the next seven actions:
- ENLIST AND UTILIZE CARE GROUP LEADERS. Care group leaders care for the needs of those assigned and contact and pray together with members of their care groups weekly. If youth and adult care group leaders each care for three members and three prospects, your class will be much more likely to grow. You will be less likely to lose an attender and not know why. You will be much more likely to entice a prospect into taking a step toward attendance and joining the class.
- CHALLENGE EVERY ATTENDER TO DISCOVER AND USE THEIR SPIRITUAL GIFTS AND PASSIONS IN MINISTRY/SERVICE WITHIN THE CHURCH OR COMMUNITY. Why not take a simple spiritual gift inventory and do some study of the spiritual gifts either in class or at another time? A Sunday School class can be a great place to receive affirmation and encouragement for using our spiritual gifts in places of service that will fulfill us while building up the church and carrying out Kingdom work.
- WORK WITH THE CLASS SECRETARY AND OUTREACH LEADER TO ENSURE ALL ABSENTEES AND PROSPECTS ARE CONTACTED WEEKLY. Care group leaders are one method for ensuring all absentees and prospects aer contacted weekly. But sometimes an additional voice is needed or may be more effective with chronic absentees and some prospects. A secretary should notice when a person is absent and alert the outreach leader and/or assigned care group leader.
- ADOPT ANOTHER CLASS. Sometimes existing classes need help or encouragement. They may need someone to pray for them, to invite prospects in their age group, to help them with ministering to members, etc. An adult class can adopt another adult class or a youth, children, or preschool class. A natural adoption might be when an adult class adopts a younger class which has children of the adult class members.
- SPONSOR THE START OF ANOTHER CLASS. I have seen classes start with ten to thirty on their first Sunday. When that is not true, the first few weeks can be discouraging. And when great numbers occur early, the first few weeks can be exciting but challenging. Why not commit to pray for, invite to, and fellowship with a new class that is starting? In some cases, this can keep good teachers from quitting while helping the new class to get off to a great start.
- PRAY AND PREPARE FOR THE BIRTH OF A NEW CLASS. The key is to apprentice another teacher. The class can see that you are serious about starting another class because there will be two teachers expecting to teach two classes. Lead them to pray about the birth. One of the teachers enlists a seed group of 1-5 attenders of that class and/or prospects before the birth.
- PRAY AND PREPARE FOR THE BIRTH OF AN OFF-SITE CLASS. Sometimes we run out of space for new groups in the church building. But an even better reason for your class to start an off-site class is that some will attend a Bible study away from church that would not go to the church building. Some of this is convenience. Some of it may be anti-church sentiment. Most of it is relationship with you.
For the other parts of this series, check here:
- Sunday School Class Growth Is Spelled W-O-R-K, Part 1
- Sunday School Class Growth Is Spelled W-O-R-K, Part 2
- Sunday School Class Growth Is Spelled W-O-R-K, Part 3
- Sunday School Class Growth Is Spelled W-O-R-K, Part 4
- Sunday School Class Growth Is Spelled W-O-R-K, Part 6
What a list! In Part 6, I will add a little explanation about the final 7 class growth actions. Print out this list and highlight the one(s) you believe would most help your class. If you highlighted more than one, which is the most important or the one that should happen first? Plan steps to carry out this priority action for your work. Lead your class to grow. Be revolutionary.
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