Do you want your class to grow? Do you want more people to be part of lessons and class activities? Then stop trying to do all the work yourself. Jesus enlisted a team. Follow His example and enlist a class growth team.
In my post, Important Sunday School Leader Job Descriptions, I listed key growth team leaders for the Adult/Youth Class Leadership Team. They include:
- Class Secretary: Job Description: Sunday School Class Secretary
- Class Outreach Leader: Job Description: Sunday School Class Outreach Leader
- Teacher: Job Description: Sunday School Teacher
- Class Member Care Leader: Job Description: Sunday School Class Member Care Leader
- Class Greeter: Job Description: Class Greeter
The work of this growth team can be covered by more or by fewer people depending on class size. In a class of five people, a couple of these jobs may be held by the same person. In a larger class, multiple people may help with each of these jobs plus additional roles may be developed such as prayer leader, mission leader, and fellowship leader, etc.
In the post, Setting Sunday School Class Goals to Grow, I suggest gathering your class growth team for a retreat. I encourage you to read the entire post which contains the steps and agenda. It emphasizes key elements, results, and follow up. The bottom line is to meet, pray, and plan together regularly to focus on class growth (maturationally and numerically). Enlisting and planning as a team will be more likely to produce ownership and movement of your goals and plans. If you fail to plan for growth, less of it will likely occur. Let’s give God our best effort. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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