Over the last few months, life has changed in many ways. Fear of a potentially fatal virus has led to shortages, wearing masks, washing hands more frequently and thoroughly, working from home, online meetings, and much more. Restaurants and businesses have closed, some temporarily and others permanently. This pandemic brings with it huge Sunday School dangers.
Dangers are not pronouncements of doom. They simply have “potential” for struggle, disaster, and failure. In other words, recognizing these dangers can prepare Sunday School leaders to avoid them or deal with them.
Sunday School Dangers
What might a few of those dangers include in our current environment? Consider the following:
- lack of contact with members, leading to disconnection from the class and body of Christ
- forgetting about absentees and dropouts, leading to missing life-changing ministry moments during celebrations and challenges
- lack of ongoing discipleship, from lack of support when seeking direction for decisions
- loneliness among leadership, leading to discouragement, lack of direction, and decision to quit
- lack of planning due to the fluidity of the current reality, leading to being ill-prepared for necessary change
- lack of communication, leading to confusion, surprise, and frustration
- leadership shortage, due to an unexpected number of leaders stepping away due to health concerns, and fears
- interruption of routine, resulting in poor or no spiritual disciplines
- desire to rush back to the way things were, resulting in missed opportunities to move forward with new technologies and to meet needs discovered.
What dangers would you add to this list? Share your thoughts by pressing Leave a comment under the title for this post. Let’s prayerfully prepare for these Sunday School dangers. Don’t stick your head in the sand and assume they will go away. Pray. Prepare together. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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