On average, when we enroll and care for two people, one will attend. That means that enrolling new people is important for revitalizing and growing your Sunday School. Let me share a key fact, three enrollment best practices, and a next step.
Sunday School classes leak. People die, leave, get sick, are busy, and have changing work schedules. Without enrolling new people, Sunday School will decline.
Ask people to enroll. Ask guests and prospects, “May I add you to our class party, prayer, and ministry list.” If they say yes, then enroll them and begin contacting them regularly to invite them to a fellowship, pray with them, and care for them in times of need.
Protect enrollment. Refuse to allow people to be removed from enrollment unless they die, move beyond the ministry reach of the church, or join another class. Instead, recommit to provide care for those who are enrolled.
Ask classes to set new member goals. If classes set goals, they are more likely to “own” them and pursue them. Ask classes to pray for a week before setting a God-sized goal for new members. Encourage classes to monitor their progress, and reward those who enroll new people.
Meet with your teachers. Talk about the importance of enrollment. Ask each of them to pray for a week and set a private new member goal. Then have them ask adult and youth classes to do the same: pray for a week before setting a goal. Ask teachers to turn in the class goal and how their private goal compared to the class goal.
Focus on these best practices. Enroll new people. Care enough to ask. Avoid removing people carelessly. And set and pursue the goal to enroll. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
Where can I find Reason to Enroll?
What is iImportant about Enrollment?
Open/Closed Enrollment?
Enrollment Policy?
Record Keeping that is updated to today’’s tech
Guest Card
Enrollment Card
Six Point Record System(Updated)
Thank you for your dedication to our Lord & His Church.
For a response to your enrollment questions, check out http://www.sundayschoolrevolutionary.com/reasons-to-enroll-in-sunday-school/.