MAKING CARING CONNECTIONS. What can a class do to make caring connections with unenrolled and lost people? Enlist an outreach leader who will lead the class in the following actions:
- pray for prospects (friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors) who are not enrolled in Sunday School;
- intentionally develop caring relationships (friendships) with unenrolled and lost people;
- spend time with lost and unenrolled people;
- eat meals with prospects;
- invite prospects to class fellowships, projects, and Bible study sessions;
- introduce prospects to your class member friends;
- regularly (2-4 times monthly) contact prospects for care and prayer;
- respond in caring ways during times of stress and need in the lives of prospects;
- ask for permission to pray and help;
- care enough to ask if prospects would like to the added to the party, prayer, and care list for the class (enroll them if they say yes).
Is it better for one person to develop an ongoing interest and relationship with a prospect, or is it better for several people to connect with a prospect. My answer is “yes!” One and many both have benefits. Focus regular efforts through one caring person, but encourage multiple people to reach out in care as well.
Without care, people will not enroll. Without caring connections, people will never come to class. Without care, many will miss the most important relationship in the world: a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Lead your class to care and enroll. Meet needs and love people to class and to Jesus. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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