I have consistently seen God use Sunday School to change lives. I have seen lost become saved, new Christians lay solid faith foundations, disciples grow, and leaders develop. God has used the experiences, spiritual gifts, and abilities of Sunday School members in service for Sunday School, the church, and the community. It’s always exciting when Sunday School members invite others and share Jesus.
Because I have seen God use Sunday School, I want it to be amazing and well done. And I want more people invited to benefit from the care, disciple-making, and life-change. Let’s stop being selfish, keeping it to ourselves. Let’s invite everyone. Stop saying “no” for others!
Back in the late 70s and early 80s, Andy Anderson of the Baptist Sunday School Board researched the Sunday School of churches across the country. One thing he discovered was that it took an average of 13 contacts (invitations) for one new person to be in attendance in Sunday School. Neil Jackson, a church growth expert in the 80s, said it took 7-10 contacts to increase attendance by one person. David Francis, retired Sunday School director for LifeWay Christian Resources, suggested the number today is likely closer to 20.
Numbers Versus Care
Don’t be negative about numbers. Invite. Each contact represents care expressed for a person for whom Jesus died. Let’s be light in dark places. Let’s care them out of hell. Invite them to Sunday School. Ask them to join you for fellowships, projects, and meals so they can get to know you and your Jesus. Invite them to church and to Jesus.
Instead of focusing on attendance, I want to challenge every church all over the world to focus on inviting. Yes, we must provide care for our members. We must pray for and minister to them in times of need. But we also must care for and invite friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors who are not enrolled in Sunday School and who don’t know Jesus.
The law of large numbers tells us that if we consistently care and invite, some will attend and enroll. If we consistently enroll and provide care for these new members, lives will change and our classes and churches will grow. The result will be more light in the community and world as more of Jesus shines brightly. Make a commitment this year to lead your class to invite, invite, invite. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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