I have heard many ideas over the years for how to express appreciation to Sunday School leaders. The ideas have ranged from churchwide recognition in worship services to appreciation meals and from gifts given by the church, class members, or parents to written notes by staff, leaders, or class members. What have you or your church done to express appreciation to Sunday School teachers and leaders?
Unfortunately, too often the recognition happens only once a year. Do you want to keep your teachers and leaders? Appreciate them in multiple ways. Not all ideas have to be expensive. There are many ideas on the web. Just check for teacher appreciation ideas. One website offered some of the following quick suggestions:
- the Sunday School can provide notecards for class members to take home to write an appreciation note to their teachers,
- personalize a gift like a mug,
- write a recognition paragraph about a different teacher each week in your church newsletter or bulletin,
- plan a fun event just for your teachers,
- provide a teachers’ lounge for the day,
- call for random acts of kindness for teachers (make sure no one gets neglected),
- provide a bulletin board as a hall of fame/appreciation for your teachers,
- recognize a different age group each week for a month or for a whole month each, and
- conduct “Operation [insert teacher’s name]” and shower them with gifts.
Budget, plan, and calendar to recognize your Sunday School leaders. Challenge members and parents to do so as well. Pray for your leaders. Shower them with your heartfelt appreciation! They will be glad you did and so will you! There are some fun and inexpensive ideas on this website and the FrugalFun website. There are many more ideas at www.teacher-appreciation.info. Don’t neglect your leaders. Be revolutionary!
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