Sunday School leadership requires relationships and movement. Without relationships, there is no need for leadership. Without movement, there is no evidence of leadership.
The definition of leadership I shared in my 2003 dissertation was this one:
Leadership is taking a person or group where they need to go.
This definition demands relationships and movement. Without relationships, you cannot take a person or group where they need to go. You must know them and their needs. They must trust you.
“Taking” is about movement. If you are moving, but they are not, you are simply out for a walk. In this definition “taking” requires movement together. “Taking” also requires movement in the right direction–where they need to go.
In leading our Sunday School work, there are critical some questions to consider:
- What’s the difference between leading them where they want to go and where they need to go?
- How can you find out where they need to go?
- Is it possible we know where they need to go, but they don’t know?
- How can you get to know them and their needs and build trust so you can lead them where they need to go?
- What are signs we may be attempting to lead them where we want to go rather than where they need to go?
Evaluate yourself. Do you know the people you are leading? Do they trust you? How can you develop the relationships further? Has recent movement been together? Has it been in the right direction? How can you adjust your leadership to encourage movement together in the right direction? Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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