What is your usual routine for preparing to teach Sunday School? What do you do first? What steps do you take? What do you do last? Would you take a moment to press the comments button below? Some of your steps may be an encouragement to others who read your comments.
What is your attitude when you are preparing for a Sunday School session? Do you have a hard time believing that it is that time of the week again? Are you dreading the time, or are you just a procrastinator whose time has gotten away this week? Or perhaps your attitude is one of prayerful anticipation of what God is going to do this week? Is your attitude more about you, about the group, or about God? This may be the most important question as you prepare!
In my experience, there are several important steps which can lead you toward great preparation and a great attitude. While the following list is not exhaustive, it can be helpful. Consider the following (days of the week are suggestions from experience):
SUNDAY/MONDAY: pray for God’s leadership in understanding God’s Word and knowing how the truth of this week’s lesson intersects with the lives of people in your group (prayer continues through each of the following);
SUNDAY/MONDAY: read the upcoming scripture passage (not the commentary or Bible study materials) as soon after the previous Bible study session as possible to give the Holy Spirit time to speak to you and illustrate the truth throughout the week;
SUNDAY-TUESDAY: read the scripture passage several times and in several different translations if you have them available (many are available online);
MONDAY-TUESDAY: before rushing to a commentary or Bible study materials, look for the truth in the passage needed most by the group;
TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY: consider the passage background and setting, including surrounding passages, with the help of commentaries and other materials; consider what the passage says; look for the author’s intent with his original audience;
WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY: consider the meaning and application of the passage to people today;
WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY: apply what the passage says and mean to your life; seek conviction of the truth on your life and commitment to respond obediently to the truth;
THURSDAY-FRIDAY: having considered the personal application, look for the difference this truth makes in the lives of individuals in the group;
FRIDAY-SATURDAY: develop several critical questions which can lead the group to consider the significant issues; and
FRIDAY-SATURDAY: consider which methods to use to lead the group to examine the truth and issues in best possible way.
For alternative suggestions, read this article entitled A Suggested Weekly Preparation Plan. Also, I have mentioned it previously, but I like a web training manual offered by Officers’ Christian Fellowship. It contains many great suggestions about preparation and other issues which I would encourage you to check out. The manual can even be printed. I would especially encourage you to look at the section entitled, Preparing to Lead Bible Study.
Pray. Prepare for an encounter with God. Pray for life-change in yourself. Pray for life-change in the group. Pray that God will use you. Be revolutionary!
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