What part of making disciples can Sunday School play? When you consider the closing words to the disciples by Jesus in the Great Commission, you can see three major areas of contribution by Sunday School to disciple-making. After looking at Matthew 28:19-20, let’s examine those three areas:
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
- GOING AND BAPTIZING. Sunday School classes have age group assignments. That means each class is assigned an age group to pray for, care for, invite, and enroll. Class members. A revolutionary class is never satisfied with those who are already attending and enrolled. They realize there are more who need the opportunity to study God’s Word with a caring group. And they realize that more than half of the unsaved who join them for a year will accept Jesus as Savior. This is the foundation of making disciples.
- TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE. As disciples study God’s Word together, they encounter Him in His Word and recognize their need for change. They commit to Him to follow where He leads, to be obedient. The class encourages classmates to keep their commitments to the Lord. In addition, a growing relationship with God is encouraged through a daily quiet time and spiritual disciplines. And the ideal class experience enables disciples to learn how to feed themselves–to open God’s Word, meet Him, listen to what He Has to say, and follow where He leads.
- CARING AND CONNECTING. An ember removed from the fire goes out. We are meant to be in community, first with God and second with the body of Christ. Care, prayer, fellowship, ministry, and serving together all contribute to strong relationships, trust, and growth as disciples. The class and body of Christ can do more together. An important challenge is for relationships to be kept open for new people.
When classes focus on disciple-making, it changes your reaching, teaching, and caring. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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