In so many ways, Sunday School is Vacation Bible School for all ages that takes place every Sunday. It it includes many of the same elements: Bible study, evangelism, relationships, sometimes refreshments, good records, recreation (usually between Sundays), different teaching methods, and much more. This similarity should encourage an even closer partnership between Sunday School teachers and leaders and those for VBS.
I have written about VBS before: Grow Your Sunday School by Following Up Vacation Bible School . Check out the eleven actions Sunday School can take to follow up VBS.
But there are many other ways that Sunday School can partner together with VBS. This month is VBS month on the Sunday School Leader blog. I want to encourage you to check out the posts all month long. Here are three samples (press the title to link to the entire blog post):
- VBS Impacted Me. I like Vacation Bible School; I like Vacation Bible School; we work and play together and we learn the golden rule; I like Vacation Bible School. The above are lyrics to a song that I learned over 45 years ago. I did like and still like Vacation Bible School. Growing up, VBS was always the first week of June and began with a parade through my small town of Lexington, TN. The first car following the police escort was a convertible with the American Flag, the Christian Flag and the Bible being lifted high. The cars behind would honk to alert people that VBS began on Monday at First Baptist Church….
- Discovering New Leaders in VBS! Every church is looking for more leaders. One of the best places in the church that I have seen to raise up great leaders is in Vacation Bible School. Each year people are recruited to serve in VBS at many different levels from administrative leadership, teachers, assistant teachers, helpers, recreation, security, registration, kitchen, transportation, media, music and fill-ins. Many of these are people are new to leadership in the church….
- It Is VBS Year Round Now! Pastor Bob Hill has been at Roundaway Baptist Church out from Indianola, Mississippi about three years. He came out of retirement to be the Interim Pastor of this church. The Pastor Search Committee stopped looking and just asked Bro. Bob to stay a while. He has. He looked at the church calendar and noticed they did not have Vacation Bible School on the summer calendar. When he asked why, the response was, “We don’t have any children, so we don’t need to have VBS.”….
Do you have an idea of a way for Sunday School and VBS to partner together? Press Comments below. Share your plans, experiences, and ideas. Let’s strengthen both. Pray. Invite. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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