When was the last time your Sunday School classes and leaders spent time praying for new people? Jesus said he came to seek and to save the lost. We are the bride of Christ. We are the body of Christ. Those on Jesus’ heart will naturally be on our hearts. When we pray for something, we are will be “for” it. We will be open to the Lord’s leadership in our lives about the subject of our prayers.
Jesus in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) commanded us has His disciples as we are going to “make disciples of all nations.” There is still much work to do. Jesus said in John 10:16 (NIV): “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” He will draw them to Himself. We are to pursue lost sheep for Him. We are the hands and feet who protect them from wolves. We are to lead them to Him.
Lead your class to develop an intentional prayer strategy for lost and unenrolled people. Customize the strategy to fit your group. Regularly check on the plan and adjust it as necessary. Since many grow tired and lazy about anything done for a period of time, be sensitive to the need to vary your reinforcement and emphasis. Keep it fresh.
What are some ways Sunday School classes can pray for new people? I would challenge you to get out a sheet of paper and jot down some thoughts before reading further. Think about the people in your class. After writing down some thoughts, check out this beginning list of ideas:
- give the class a blank business-size card on which you ask them to write down the name of three lost or unenrolled people to pray for,
- spend time every Sunday praying for new people by name,
- place a poster on the classroom wall with first names and last name initial of new people for whom your class will pray (mark them off when they accept Jesus or join the class),
- focus prayers on new people in your assigned age group or the age group that is the focus of the church at that time,
- share demographics about people in your area so the group can know more specifically how to pray for new people from your community,
- have cottage prayer meetings (in a home) and include praying for new people on the agenda,
- pass out small dots to stick on watches or cell phones to remind people to pray for lost and unenrolled people when they see the dot,
- set a specific time each day (like Noon) to pray for new people,
- make appointments to call prayer partners each week and include praying for new people by name as part of the agenda,
- make sure to share testimonies of opportunities to share a witness or invitation with a new person,
- during conversations with potential new people (prospects), ask if they have prayer requests and write down the request and pray with them and thereafter, and
- send out weekly email (or text) reminders of new people to pray for and/or their needs.
There are lots more. What would you add? What has your class tried? Pray for your class. Lead them to pray for new people. Love them to Jesus! Be revolutionary!
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