Can you list the major tenets of your Sunday School curriculum? What major biblical concepts will be covered this year and the next? Over what period of time will they be covered? In what order will they be covered? What is the biblical learning model utilized in the curriculum? This knowledge may help you to make better decisions about curriculum for your classes.
I want to share an example so you can know what to look for in your curriculum. Press this link to find LifeWay’s Scope and Sequence for its Explore the Bible and Bible Studies for Lifecurriculum series. Here is the image for their biblical learning model.
LifeWay’s fifteen biblical concepts relating God’s answers to adult life needs include God; Jesus; Holy Spirit; revelation and authority of the Bible; creation, sovereignty, and providence; family; community and world; church and kingdom; humanity/self; salvation; discipleship and the Christian life; ethics and morality; reason and faith; rebellion and sin; and time and eternity.
Make sure your curriculum is rooted in God’s Word. Make sure it agrees with your church’s theology. And check on its biblical learning model and scope and sequence before you purchase curriculum or make a change. Sunday School and teaching God’s Word is too important to give less than our best, including in our choice of curriculum. Make your decisions prayerfully. Be revolutionary!
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