Sunday School is still crucial to growth and discipleship in the local church, but it’s easy to neglect the training and curriculum that is needed to make these classes successful. This event can help! By hearing from experts across the state, your church leaders will leave more equipped to lead effectively. Sunday School still matters!
Why does Sunday School matter?
- Research has shown that growing Sunday Schools have leaders that train. Prayer, care, invitations, new members, more workers, and new classes also are essential for growing Sunday School.
- Pastors say that 50-100% of lost adults will be saved within 12 months of attending Sunday School.
- Research by Thom Rainer of LifeWay has shown that 83% of people attending Sunday School will still be involved in the church five years later while only 16% of those not in Sunday School will be.
Pastors, Directors, and Adult Teachers Focus
Sunday School as Strategy: The church has a mission – the Great Commission given by the Lord Jesus Himself. What the church needs is a strategy to fulfill that mission. This will show how Sunday School is that strategy.
A Franchising Sunday School: Like McDonald’s, Sunday School needs to expand and franchise herself. This is about staring new groups: why start them, when to start them, and how to start them.
Preschool, Children, and Youth Teachers Focus
– Reaching Matters
– Teaching Matters
– Member Care Matters
Special Guests:
- Allan Taylor, First Baptist Concord, Knoxville, TN (pastors/staff, Sunday School directors, adult teachers)
- Jonathan Chapman, First Baptist Church, Owensboro (youth teachers)
- Ryan Morris, Ninth & O Baptist, Louisville (children’s teachers)
- Crystal Townsend, First Baptist Church, Sonora (preschool teachers)
Dates and Locations:
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Allen Baptist Church
354 US-23
Prestonburg, KY

Saturday, April 4, 2020
Beacon Hill Baptist Church
4705 US-27
Somerset, KY

Saturday, April 18, 2020
Lone Oak Baptist Church
3601 Lone Oak Road
Paducah, KY

All events are from 9:00 am – Noon local time. Registration begins at 8:15 am.
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