In order to give our best to God, Sunday School teachers need teacher training. To be effective, that training will focus on member care, teaching/preparation, and outreach. All three areas are needed to keep Sunday School effective and strong.
Teacher Training
Let’s consider some of the topics which fall under these three areas of training:
- Member care. Care matters. Members disconnect quickly when care is poor. Relationships matter when considering the Word of God and between classes when life is challenging. We need people who know us, care about us, and encourage us. Fellowships and projects done regularly matter in keeping relationships strong. Contacts matter to keep us connected, provide communication, and remind us of care.
- Teaching/preparation. The teacher’s time with God matters. If it is fresh, it shows. Lesson preparation matters. James 3:1 reminds teachers to enter into the teaching experience with seriousness. God and His people deserve no less than our best. The study of scripture and the development of a teaching plan tailored to the sheep in the class matter. The use of a variety of teaching methods to address the range of learning styles matters with the class since good use will increase interest and learning retention. Application and follow up matter in making disciples.
- Outreach. Relationships matter with prospects. Do they see our love for God and each other (John 13:34-35)? Consistent, caring contacts matter. Ministry in time of need matters. Invitations to fellowships, projects, meals, class, and Jesus matters. Enrollment matters. Some classes care but not enough to invite prospects to enroll. Just ask them!
Can you see areas in the list where you would benefit from reminders about effective work? Did you see some areas you need to give attention? Training matters. Ask your pastor and Sunday School director to set up training events this year. Read a Sunday School blog post or book. Make the most of the opportunity and responsibility you have as teacher. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Luis Reyes on Unsplash
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