A new year has begun. And it is time to reflect on the Sunday School year-to-date. Gather your planning team (as a class or Sunday School). Pray together. Give God thanks for His blessings. Look at progress. Make adjustments as needed.
Consider the following questions:
- How has God been blessing? (consider new members, new teachers/leaders, new classes, professions of faith, spiritual growth, and more)
- What goals have been accomplished? Do new goals need to be set to continue forward momentum?
- On what goals has progress been made? Do any adjustments need to be made?
- In what areas have unanticipated struggles/problems occurred? What strategies need to be employed to overcome them?
Specifics areas of progress to assess:
- Overall goals
- Expectation to grow
- Prayer/following God’s leadership
- Promotion of the value of Sunday School
- Worship and Sunday School guest follow up
- New classes, teachers, and workers
- Greeting/new member assimilation efforts
- Leadership development, enlistment, training events
- Outreach/reaching systems/plans
- Caring/ministry organization
- Inviting absentees and guests to fellowships
- Affinity discovery and friendship development
- Class leadership/organization
- Involvement of learners in the lesson
- Teaching effectiveness/application and implementation of the truth
- How are lives being changed
- Affirm/reward desired behavior
Set aside time for your planning team to pray, evaluate, plan, and adjust. Give God your best effort. He deserves nothing less. Be revolutionary!
What questions and areas of progress would you add? Press comments below to share your thoughts.
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