Daily reading the Bible is important. It is one of the best predictors of spiritual progress. Daily Bible reading is an essential daily spiritual discipline. Teachers and members in our Sunday School classes benefit from being in God’s Word daily.
I read an interesting article about reading the Bible. The article shares the results a survey of 6,000 people about their Bible reading habits. I want to encourage you to read the article: Infographic: How Do You Read the Bible.
Questions from the Article
The article presents survey responses to these questions:
- What portions of Scripture do you tend to gravitate toward, and are there particular extra-biblical resources you use alongside your Bible to help you process and study it?
- Which section of the Bible do you read most often? Which do you find hardest to understand?
- When was the last time you read each book of the Bible?
- When do you most often read the Bible?
- In the past 30 days, on how many days did you spend some amount of time reading the Bible on your own?
- What are the barriers to Bible reading in your life? the benefits?
- What things do you usually have with you when you read the Bible?
- Do you journal alongside your Bible reading?
- What does your Bible journaling entail?
Two Insights
Each question and graphic is followed by a Takeaway section which comments on the results of the survey. There were a couple of related insights I wanted to share:
- the primary time of days for reading the Bible are are early morning and late evening
- the earlier in the day for reading the Bible, the greater the number of days during the month that the Bible will be read.
If you are just now establishing a daily Bible reading routine, the best time appears to be early morning. But like some of you, I am not an early morning person. I am not consistently able to give God my best by reading the Bible early. I can, however, easily see how it is easier for late evening Bible reading to be forgotten (tiredness) or crowded out (activities).
But don’t beat yourself up over it if you miss. Do your best during whatever time you set aside. Read the Bible daily. Again, I want to encourage you to read the article: Infographic: How Do You Read the Bible. Grow as His disciple. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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