Why are you doing Sunday School? In my conversations, reasons for leading Sunday School are never absent. They may be unrecognized, but they are always either positive or negative. Some are motivating and some are draining. Let’s examine both:
Negative Reasons for Leading
Negative reasons can detract from purpose and poorly utilize energy, passion, and giftedness. Negative reasons can focus in the wrong direction and produce busyness rather than the rich benefits that are possible. Consider these reasons:
- I felt guilty saying no, so here I am ten years later (guilt is poor motivation)
- I didn’t want to, but no one else would do it (this prevents the right person from filling the position)
- I really don’t like Sunday School but I like my class (may indicate lack of giftedness or poor priorities)
- I should not have said to yes to Sunday School since I don’t have time to prepare (this could be the result of poor enlistment, or lack of commitment to or understanding of personal passion, gifts, and abilities)
- I wanted a position of authority (while most roles come with some authority, the desire should be to emulate our Savior Jesus who came as a servant–see Philippians 2).
Positive Reasons
On the other side of the issue are positive reasons. They can lead to fulfillment, joy, effectiveness, and growth. Consider the following:
- I have such fun teaching and leading Sunday School (this may be an indicator of passion and giftedness)
- I love to serve by shepherding, teaching, and leading Sunday School (serving out of love for God and people can be fulfulling)
- Sunday School is the place where I feel like I can make the most difference (trial and error can lead to discover the place where you can be most effective)
- I am called by God to serve out of my gifts through Sunday School (this is always the best reason)
- I want the lost to be saved and the saved to grow as His disciples (fulfilling the Great Commission is the mission of the church and Sunday School).
You can list scores more reasons for leading Sunday School. Which would you add to these positive and negative reasons? What is your reason? Share your reason by leaving a comment. Whether positive or negative, but be honest with God and ask for His help to serve Him in the right way and the right place. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
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