Many classes have chosen to die. Death was not discussed or planned but was chosen. A class with a habit of not inviting people has chosen to die. Instead, take The Invite Dare!
How do you break bad habits? Doing so requires courage, patience, persistence, and intentionality. In a class, breaking bad habits also requires prayer, leadership, and example.
Learning from The Love Dare
When I began thinking about The Invite Dare, I reflected on The Love Dare by Stephen & Alex Kendrick (book and Fireproof movie). One particular paragraph in that book is significantly relevant here:
If you accept this dare, you must take the view that instead of following your heart, you are choosing to lead it. The world says to follow your heart, but if you are not leading it, then someone or something else is. The Bible says that “the heart is more deceitful than all else” (Jeremiah 17:9), and it will always pursue that which feels right at the moment.
p. viii, The Love Dare, Steven & Alex Kendrick
For a class, dying is a choice. But inviting is also a counter choice to live. Don’t allow your heart to be influenced by Satan or others who would discourage your efforts to invite. Instead choose to invite no matter what. Choose to lead your heart and your class to invite.
Invite Dare Actions
- pray together about 1-3 lost or unenrolled people each of you will invite (2 weeks)
- plan a class fellowship or project to which you can invite those for whom you have been praying
- invite your 1-3 lost or unenrolled friends, relatives, associates, or neighbors to the fellowship or project multiple times (in person, by phone, by mail, and by email/text)
- conduct the fellowship or project, paying special attention to guests without embarrassing them
- before the fellowship or project has ended, thank everyone for coming and invite them to class on Sunday
- person inviting the guest who attended the fellowship or project thanks the guest for coming and asks if there are any questions and for prayer requests
- be prepared to greet, register, introduce, and ask to enroll all guests
- follow up with every guest who attends within 72 hours
- repeat monthly for at least six months
As the class shepherd, it is your choice to move your class off of life support. Death is coming without a change. Will you take The Invite Dare, choosing to invite? Will you lead your class to do the same? Dare to do so! For more thoughts about this, check out Sunday School: Take the Love Dare. Make disciples Be revolutionary!
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