The Sunday School director is the most influential lay-leader of the church. Charles Livingstone ties together both the responsibilities of the Sunday School director and the idea that those responsibilities cannot be fulfilled without investment in other leaders. Livingstone states, “Many thousands of persons today testify that one of the most positive influences on their lives has been the life of a godly and capable Sunday School director. The office is an opportunity for the investment of life in helping people.”[1]
A good Sunday School director is more concerned with people than with numbers. Now don’t misunderstand me; numbers are important and a good Sunday School director tracks enrollment, attendance, new members, contacts, etc. But the Sunday School director can not let numbers be all that the members of the church hear. I good Sunday School director will not only keep up with the numbers but also share success stories.
A good Sunday School director will seek to motivate the leaders of the Sunday School. Too many Sunday School directors are more interested in making sure that teachers like them instead of seeking to lead them. A Sunday School director is not going to motivate the workers by simply associating with them. The Sunday School director should an example but also verbally leading the leaders as well.
A good Sunday School director will equip the teachers and workers. There are many Sunday School directors that think their role is to get the chalk, chairs and other items for all the classes. That is all they do on Sunday is run around and ask if a teacher needs anything. If we are not prepared by Sunday morning it is too late to begin getting ready after we get to church on Sunday. The Sunday School director is to equip not just assist teachers.
A good Sunday School director is creative and open to new ideas. Too many directors are boxed in with ideas and the methods they have adopted. They say things like, “we’ve always done it this way” or “we’ve never done this way before”. Too many Sunday School directors just keep doing the same thing year after year.
A good Sunday School director will have a desire to grow their Sunday School. The Sunday School director that is going to make a difference looks for ways to grow the Sunday School instead of being so maintenance minded. Starting new classes, training new teachers, enrolling new members, sharing the gospel, etc.
[1]Charles R. Livingstone, Using the Sunday School to Reach People (Nashville: Convention Press, 1973), 36._________________________
Dr. Tim S. Smith serves as the Specialist of the Sunday School and Open Group Ministries of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Visit their website at for more information and other resources to aid your Sunday School.
Great Sunday schools have pastors who are a mentor to Sunday school directors. Most laity have had very little training in their role as Sunday school director. The pastor, on the other hand, has had much training and study through seminary classes and personal knowledge of Sunday school work. Before the church year begins, pastors need to take their new Sunday school director aside and pour into them all that they know.
Danny Von Kanel is author of “Building Sunday School by the Owner’s Design” (100 Tools for Successful Kingdom Growth).