In the February 6, 2012 edition of the Daily Hope by Rick Warren, he shares three great questions for pastors, Sunday School teachers, or small group leaders as you prepare. The questions in bold are Rick’s but the comments are mine:
- What did this Scripture mean when it was written? What is the context and background for the passage? Who was the original audience? What was the point to the original characters and original hearers?
- What is the timeless truth behind what God is saying?Why was it important to pass along this passage to us? While there are often several facets to biblical passages, what is the truth that has stood the test of time as relevant for all people everywhere?
- How does it apply now to me? God’s Word was given as a living book. It is intended to bring about life-change. The passage has a personal application in your personal context. What does God want you to do as a result of encountering Him and what He had to say in this passage? How are you supposed to be different as a result of the encounter?
These are not only great study/preparation question, they are also great questions devotional questions as well as great lesson delivery questions. Use them to listen well to what God has to say to you. Use them well to study and prepare for a great lesson. Use them well to lead your class or small group members to move toward the change God desires for them.
Encounter God in His Word and lead His people to do the same. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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