Day Twelve in this series is a bit late due to enjoying the Christmas holiday with my family. In this series, I’ve challenged us to make sure our classes are ready to celebrate our Lord’s birth. I hope the series reminds us to give Jesus our best. I am suggesting twelve gifts this Christmas. In Part 1 I asked how you would fill in that day’s verse of this variation of the song, Twelve Days of Christmas (for a YouTube of the original song to inspire you, press the link). Here is what I have offered for the first ten verses:
- On the first day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Love of God, neighbors, and self.
- On the second day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Start of a second class.
- On the third day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Prayer for three prospects.
- On the fourth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Four ministry calls.
- On the fifth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Five quiet times.
- On the sixth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Six acts of kindness.
- On the seventh day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Seven days of prayer.
- On the eighth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Eight hours of sleep.
- On the ninth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Nine fruit of the Spirit.
- On the tenth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Ten service projects.
- On the eleventh day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…Eleven percent giving.
Take a moment to consider how you would complete the twelfth verse:
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my Sunday School class gave to Christ…
How did you complete the verse? Ask for your class’ response. Turn it into a request for class members’ commitment. Give your response to Christ and to each other. Make Christmas special (make the whole year special) by giving Jesus twelve birthday presents this year!
Here is how I would respond to today’s verse:
Twelve month’s attending.
What do I mean? I mean committing to faithful attendance in Sunday School can be a great investment for your personal spiritual growth, for your growth as a harvester and leader, and for the group. Yes, even the group benefits when we are regular in attendance. It adds consistency, trust, and additional insight.
Unless you are sick or out of town, commit to be present. Plan to rest, pray, and prepare before coming. Invite people to come with you (another reason to be regular in attendance). Come expectantly. Expect to encounter God in His Word. Expect to learn. Expect good questions. Expect to be stretched. Expect to apply the truth. Expect to change. Expect the encounter to result in your life bearing fruit.
Invest in your class. Invest in class sessions and in class plans. Invest in preparation. Invest in relationships in class and the community. Ask for God’s leadership and help in making your attendance regular. Then make a commitment to do so. Ask others to hold you accountable. Give them permission to check on you when you miss. Encourage one another.
Love God, others, and self. Help start a second class. Pray for three prospects. Make four ministry calls this week. Have at least five quiet times this week. Make six acts of kindness this month. Pray daily. Sleep eight hours daily. Grow all nine fruit of the Spirit. Perform ten service projects or fellowships this year. Give above the tithe. And be faithful to God and your class. Do more than sing the words to today’s verse! Commit to it. Live it. Do it! Grow. Make disciples. Be revolutionary!
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