I enjoy woodworking. Recently, I took a gift card and purchased a newsaw for my tool collection. When I got home, I unpackaged the saw, admired my new purchase, and read the manual. I was excited about how this tool was going to help me excel at woodworking. I placed the item on the shelf among my collection of rarely used tools, with every intention of using my saw for a special project in the near future. It has been several months, and I still have not used the saw. However, my intentions are still great. I look forward to the day when I will use my special saw for a project. Yet I know I must be intentional about starting my project in order to use my saw. Otherwise, nothing will happen, and the tool will continue to collect dust from lack of use.
Evangelism through Sunday School is much like this experience with my saw. I have been trained and given many tools to better equip me to share my faith. In my Bible is the Good News of Jesus Christ, which changes hearts and lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. On my shelf are several books and other materials; tools which help me share my faith. In my heart is a strong desire to share the gospel with others. I have all I need, with good intentions of sharing. So what keeps me from sharing? Just like my saw, these tools will never be used, and a project never accomplished unless I intentionally take action. Would you be willing to challenge your class to be intentional and take action when it comes to sharing Christ? The Lord has given you the tools through His word and the power of the Holy Spirit to share Christ with others. Encourage those in your class to identify people they know who need Jesus, and be intentional about praying for these people as a class. Also, encourage your class to plan and act on opportunities to build loving relationships with these individuals so they can hear the Good News. Evangelism must be something we are actively obedient in doing as an individual and as a class. May God help us see the people he has placed in and around our lives who need Him.
Mike Taylor is the Sunday School and Open Groups Consultant with the Georgia State Convention.
Josh, you are quite right about the fact that we must be intentional and look for and even make opportunities to share Christ. I think that almost any evangelism method works if used somewhere sometime. Most Christians seem to make it a hobby to collect evangelism tools rather than using them. Thanks for the insights.
Well, it’s an impressive post Dude……… Nowadays Using Evangelism Tools are getting so popular in our excess programming. Hopefully the entire people should enjoy using this tool 🙂