It is that wonderful time of the year when Vacation Bible Schools are being conducted in churches all across the nation. Children have been prayed for, played with, encouraged, challenged and inspired. Many have placed their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Leaders worked hard and now wonder what next.
Are they tired? Yes, but are we equally eager to capitalize on the preparation, prayer, planning, and participation that has taken place.
Often, leaders respond with a “Whew, VBS is over. I need a break”. But we must be careful to sure every child and every family is accounted for. Take a look at a few suggestions.
- Do you have a Follow-up Chairperson? If not, who is in charge of the Prospect File?
- Do you have a Prayer Coordinator? If not, pass the names to Sunday School classes.
- Make certain every child and every family that is NOT connected to a church is followed-up not later than one week after VBS. This means a personal contact.
- Every family/child should be asked if they would like to enroll in Sunday School.
- Every family should be given an information piece/packet about what they can expect from the church.
- The names of every member of the family should be given to the proper Sunday School class or Small Group Bible study for continued follow-up.
- Pray, Pray, and pray.
Vacation Bible School is one of, if not on the top of the list, for ways your church can impact your community. BUT, follow-up is critical. If we do not follow-up those who come, it could be compared to a farmer who plants a garden, watches it grow, but never cultivates or gathers the harvest. What a shame.
So let’s say “WOW, we just had VBS and look what God is doing!”
Kiely Young
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