Before reentering Sunday School classrooms, there are many questions to be considered. Should senior adults return before an immunization is available? Can social distance be provided in the space? Do you have the supplies necessary to clean the space properly? For more questions, check out Before Regathering Sunday School.
And much preparation and communication will be required. Every wall, floor, and hard surface needs to be cleaned with the right chemicals before use and after every use. Do you have the cleaning supplies? Restrooms can only be used by one person at a time, and must be cleaned after every use. Hallways in churches tend to be too narrow to allow 6′ for social distancing. How will you provide classroom space and provide 6′ for social distancing. For ideas of what is required, see Sunday School at Social Distance. How will your foot traffic have to flow? How will you communicate with Sunday School members? As a result, my church has already realized that Sunday School will be unlikely to meet in church classrooms until school restarts.
Register for Reentering Sunday School
As a result of so many questions, I want to invite you to the Reentering Sunday School webinar on June 4, 7:30 PM EDT. Invite your key Sunday School leaders to register as well. This webinar is offered at no cost because of the generous support of Kentucky Baptist Convention churches’ gifts through the Cooperative Program. It is also co-sponsored by the Discipleship Network of Kentucky. The officers helped plan this webinar.
PK Spratt will serve as the speaker for this webinar. He has served LifeWay as a Church Partner for Kentucky and as a discipleship pastor for churches in Kentucky and Ohio. In addition to PK, a panel of practitioners (Bill Ellis, Jeff Smith, Wesley Dunn, and Jamie Coomer) will help us address many of the issues and questions.
Recording of Webinar
For the recording of the Webinar and for Guidelines that have been developed to help planning teams as they prepare for re-entry into Sunday School, check out these links:
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