This is a simple question with profound possibilities.
Think about the people you know who do not know our Savior, Jesus.
Think about what will happen to them if they leave this life without Him.
Think about what can happen when they do get to know Him.
Think about how they life can be changed by His love and grace.
Think about how your Small Group/Sunday School Class can bless their life with love, compassion, and community.
AND, think about how their life can bless, enrich, and encourage your Small Group/Sunday School Class.
When we consider these thoughts about those we know, are we motivated to do something more than just think? Are we not motivated to take positive actions to include them in our community we call Small Group/Sunday School Class?
We should be. If not, why are we there? What have we learned?
If we are, then let’s get busy. Our friends are waiting for us to invite, encourage, and seek to involve them in our activities. We really have a great thing going. AND, believe it or not, they are really ready for us to include them. So go for it. Pick up the phone and invite them. Go to your computer and send them an email invitation. Send the a Facebook message, or Tweet them, Twitter them, invite them to coffee, bake some cookies……just do it!
Remember, we KNOW Jesus and they NEED to KNOW HIM too!
Do you have a flyer or poster available for this? I’ve just started teaching a 5th and 6th grade boys and girls SS class and am encouraging them to multiply and divide their class.
Ron Owens