There are a growing number of resources in print and electronic form that deal with small groups. I have written a dozen previous blog entries about small groups. In this blog entry, I don’t intend to be exhaustive in listing characteristics of small groups. But I wanted to share some thoughts based upon my experience:
SMALL. The group can easily fit into most homes. If the group gets much beyond 12-14 persons, it is starting to move out of the description, and group dynamics become more complicated. The group should be small enough to able to be an intimate community.
GROUP. This means there should be at least three. But if one is absent for the gathering, then the remaining two persons are really a pair rather than a group.
HOME. The group usually meets away from the church at another time than Sunday morning. Home is the most common meeting space.
COVENANT. Group members agree from the beginning about expectations of each other and the group (logistics and values). Expectations include meeting frequency, involvement, confidentiality, openness, accountability, etc.
INVOLVEMENT. The group leader works to facilitate a learning experience in which everyone contributes. All attenders are asked to contribute to group life in ongoing and periodic ways.
MEET REGULARLY. The group meets at least twice a month, even when the group leader is unable to attend.
CARING COMMUNITY. They support one another like extended family members and are more involved in each others’ lives.
POSITIVELY ACCOUNTABLE. There is a desire to see each other keep his/her commitments and grow. The group encourages and supports the individuals, and helps them achieve more than they could alone.
APPLICATION. The group moves beyond theory to practicing the truth. The leader and group work to integrate the truth each week into daily actions.
There are scores more characteristics. Why don’t you share a characteristic that is missing that is significant in your group? Press the comments button below and leave your thoughts. Let’s work to make our small group experiences meaningful and life-changing. Stop settling for “going through the motions.” Be revolutionary!
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