Depending on who you ask, teacher appreciation month is either May or October. In some ways, October is too early for school teachers or for Sunday School and other church teachers. May sounds right in some other ways for school teachers except that May is such a busy month as school ends for the year. For Sunday School and other church teachers, only three months of most Sunday School years remain: June, July, and August.
So which is it: May or October? You won’t like my answer, but it is both and the other ten months as well. Pastors, staff, and other church leaders should find regular ways to recognize and thank teachers throughout the year. Yes, I think it is especially appropriate to focus that appreciation in one or two months. But why not develop a monthly calendar of ways to express appreciation to those who shepherd God’s flock in Sunday School?
Consider these twelve ways to express appreciation:
Teacher Thank You Card Sunday
Give an Apple to Your Teacher Sunday
Teacher Commissioning Sunday
Take a Teacher Out to Eat Week
Mug a Teacher Sunday
Take a class photo, enlarge it, and have class members sign and frame it
Pray for Your Teacher Week
Christmas Class Fellowship (with teacher appreciation)
Teacher Appreciation Poetry Sunday
Teacher Pounding (give pounds of various food, etc) Sunday
Teacher Gift Certificate Sunday
Teacher Appreciation Banquet.
Do you have other ways you, your class, or your church has expressed appreciation to your teachers? Share them by pressing the Comments button below and leaving your ideas. You may help teachers in another church receive affirmation they might have otherwise missed!
Recognize teachers every time they do something noteworthy. Give them prayer, encouragement, help, and support. Revolutionary Sunday School will do nothing less!
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